4/22/15 – New Teachers and Wise Words from a 5-Year Old

As a wise 5-year old once said (ahem, Susie’s niece): “All living things experience change.” And so too does Aerial Arts NYC! We have lots of changes coming up. Some wonderful, some wistful  . . . but all exciting! And we’re here to tell you about them in our now monthly blog post.

On the wistful front:

The members of 2 Ring Circus (that’s Josh, Ben, Lani and Ken) are leaving us for a few months. Fear not! They will be back. They just have to go create some circus magic, like ya do. They will be collaborating with Marc Robin and the Fulton Theatre in Lancaster, PA on a circus inspired production of The Wizard of Oz. 2 Ring Circus will create an aerial and ground spectacle to add to this epic 50+ cast production. The production runs from June 2-July 12. We wish them the best of luck and look forward to hearing great reports about the show. (Hey 2 Ring, pictures please!)

On the wonderful front:

We have some awesome teachers joining us this summer! We asked them a few questions so we could tell you exactly what they’re all about.

Kiebpoli “Black*Acrobat” Calnekkmc teach heather
Silks and Rope 

What’s your background? I’m an Equity actress and director with a love of the classics and movement based experimental theatre.

How long have you been teaching/performing aerial? Since 2007. (Editor’s note: way back in the day, Kiebpoli and Susie had a performance company with Jordann Baker called Aerial Uprising. Aerialists Unite!)

What are you most looking forward to this summer? Performing in San Francisco with Topsy-Turvy Circus.

Hannah Risner10457740_10152213820358309_6189481075388807152_o
Silks, Lyra and Conditioning

What’s your background? Contemporary dance.

Tell us about some of your favorite aerial experiences. Performing in Jakarta was pretty incredible. I also loved performing on aerial wheel and flying silks – loved having someone else haul me up into the air for a change!

Can you tell us about a favorite performance you’ve seen? Stephen Petronio dance company in March 2002. I saw a woman my size so incredibly strong and unique- it gave me the inspiration and courage to pursue dance as a my career- and ultimately brought me into the air!

Madeline Hoak0705131817
Silks, rope and Trapeze

What’s your background? I have been a dancer my whole life and majored in both dance and theater in college. I’ve done a lot of work professionally in concert dance and dance theater. My passion lies in movement that is expressive and character driven.

Where are you from? Worcester, MA

Anything else you want to tell AANYC about you? I have a playful and mechanical approach to teaching aerial. I like to break down movements and explore the biomechanics of being in the air. I make a lot of sound affects as I teach. I’m actively trying to spread the news that mint chocolate chip ice cream and peanut butter is a delicious combination. I have a goal to have three new tumbling tricks by the end of the summer!

Now don’t they sound like a great group? Check out their classes. Welcome them to the fold. And gear up for a lot of fun times ahead at AANYC.

And remember: make good choices!

By Circus Susie